The majestic bald eagles are typically uncommon. However, the most extensive population of bald eagles is located at Unalaska in Alaska. There are just 5000, and it hosts more than 600 bald Eagles.

Dutch Harbor is the biggest fishing spot in the region, and it is no surprise that Bald eagles come there to search for food. Because these waters are abundant in seafood, fishermen can always leave something for the enormous birds.

The man, Jesse Peck, grabbed a bowl of shrimp to serve to the eagles on the deck. When he began feeding the birds, more and more members joined. This considerable flock of eagles immediately ate up Peck’s bowl of shrimp. Sometimes, he throws a few pieces into the air, and the magnificent birds grab the chips and swarm.

And not just there all over the harbor, there are more Eagles! This is a beautiful environment for bird lovers!