A human guest watches as a mother gorilla presents her infant to another zoo guest.

Emily Austin and her 5-week-old baby Canyon visited the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston. While there, they sat next to the gorillas.
Kiki, the gorilla, placed her face to Canyon’s window while Michael Austin, the husband of Emily Austin, was filming the heartwarming scene.
A western lowland gorilla family with five offspring is looking forward to welcoming a sixth baby into their group of highly endangered primates.

As the gorilla gets closer to the window, numerous people can be seen on the video letting out shocked gasps and muttering, “Oh my goodness.”
While tapping on Canyon’s window, it looks like she is still clutching his hand.
Emily looks behind Kiki and tells the tourists, “see at her baby,” after she had shown Pablo the baby gorilla to the audience.

As I pondered the situation, Mrs Austin commented to News Center Maine, “She’s gazing at Canyon.”
She cast a wistful look towards Canyon for more than five minutes while she stood there.
When I first walked into the zoo that day, I had no idea that we were about to go on such an exciting journey. We were pretty thrilled as we went out.

Kiki brought up Mrs Austin’s interest in the infant multiple times. Still, he was under the impression that she was making it up.
The next time that Kiki made eye contact with Canyon, she grabbed Pablo, placed him on her leg, and carried him over to where we were standing.

Austin remarked, “When I stepped into the zoo that day, I never expected that we would have such an amazing adventure in my wildest dreams.”
When Kiki came here, we were sitting on the floor and began interacting with her immediately.
Certainly one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. She was licking Canyon’s face through the glass while holding his hand and saying, “That’s your baby.”
She was attempting to communicate with us through the use of her hands.
When Pablo raised his head to look in the glass, the two stood face to face and regarded each other with their noses touching.
In addition, my wife and I were moved to tears, and numerous others informed us that they had never witnessed or experienced something so wonderful in their lives. Michael told The Dodo.
We look forward to the day when our son will be old enough to understand the significance of this fantastic experience.
Watch their beautiful encounter in the video below.
Sources: thedodo | animalchannel | worthyshared