Ryan Bray is a kind individual who constantly tries to help those in need. He saw a panhandler on the street begging for spare change one Sunday on his way home from work. This was a scene that he was used to seeing. Bray approached the man with a proposition because he wanted to make a bigger difference in his life.

Rather than just giving the man extra cash, Bray proposed granting him a $15-an-hour position at his family firm. The idea was instantly rejected by the beggar, much to his surprise. He could not see the point in working when he could make more money by begging.
Bray’s expression became hostile as he considered asking for a raise. It seemed that Bray’s offer upended his comfort level and threatened his conviction that money could be made easily and painlessly. The beggar’s response infuriated Bray, who decided to take command of the circumstance.

Once back at his house, Bray quickly made a sign of his own. Then he went back to the same area of the street where he would accused the panhandler of being unmotivated and lazy. Even though Bray is typically kind, he thought it was important to assist the beggar in understanding the consequences of his actions.
Speaking with reporters in Florida, a homeless guy who wished to remain unnamed stated that Bray had made up an offer of employment. All he was looking for was help to escape his existence on the streets. Every dollar he makes from begging, he said, is an opportunity to progressively improve his circumstances.
Bray maintains his unwavering viewpoint. With his sign urging vehicles not to give money to beggars, he is adamant that these people will be compelled to leave the neighborhood if the community forbids them from receiving financial aid.
Bray sees an opportunity to change people’s minds and inspire them to stop contributing to the problem in the beggar’s insult. Bray’s resolve was bolstered when the beggar came up to his car demanding money.
H/T : dotnetal.com