We will discuss a frequently asked topic today: why is there a nice tiny bow on the front of women’s underwear? Despite the fact that it appears to be solely ornamental, there is a useful purpose for it. Have you ever tried to get dressed in the dark when in a rush? There are others besides you! It appears that a bow on clothing serves a purpose other than ornamentation, as per a recent Reddit question. It is truly a clever solution to a typical attire-related issue. Imagine that the room is completely dark at the crack of dawn. You are having trouble putting on your underpants, but because there is not enough light,
Differentiating the front from the back is difficult. But do not worry! The handy bow saves the day! This sweet little feature serves as a guide so you can tell the front from the back with ease. You only need a light touch to be ready to go, so say goodbye to stumbling around in the dark.

However, how did this custom start? Before elastic bands were created in the past, people had to come up with alternative solutions for holding their underwear in place. To keep items from falling through the top, they utilized a ribbon that was woven through eyelet lace. And where was the ribbon tied? front and center! It was the most convenient location to tie it safely.Imagine living in a time when there was no electricity and people had to wake up before the sun. They had to get dressed by candlelight or in the pitch darkness. And let us be honest, it was not an easy task to tie a ribbon behind your back in low light. Because of this, our shrewd forefathers began tying their ribbons near the front, where their vision was better. Nowadays, it is evident that elastic bands are being utilized in place of ribbons. However, the small bow remains, serving as a reminder of bygone eras of fashion. It is akin to a small homage to bygone eras in when dressing required more effort and practicality.

Spend a minute appreciating the forward-thinking individuals of the past who came up with a brilliant idea to make mornings easier, when you pull on your comfy underwear and notice the adorable bow on the front. Do not you find it fascinating that such a small feature as a bow may have such a useful past? Beyond just being fashionable, the ribbon that adorns the front of women’s undergarments has a useful function. It offers a practical fix for those rushed times when we are putting on clothes in dim lighting. Even if we appreciate how convenient contemporary elastic waistbands are, we should equally recognize the inventiveness of our forebears. They made a simple ribbon into a practical fashion accessory—a tiny bow that made a big impact.
H/T : aboutamerica.press